They say April showers bring May flowers. Instead of flowers, we hope we rose to the occasion with June’s newsletter to show how VitaDAO flourished this May. Inside this month’s newsletter, learn about VitaDAO’s time at DeSci Berlin, catch up on last month’s panel discussions, meet DAO member Max Unfried, and learn about the DAO’s active and past voting proposals.

Community News
DeSci Berlin: The Intersection of Web3 and Science
VitaDAO assisted in running a two-day Decentralized Science conference in Berlin. At this conference, participants learned about the principles of decentralized web-native collectives and their use to coordinate, fund, and execute scientific research🧪. Sad you missed the conference? No need to have FOMO! There are livestream recordings of both day one of the conference and day two of the conference.
ANOTHER Newsletter?!
🚨There is another newsletter on the block🚨. This month, VitaDAO launched the first Monthly Longevity Research Newsletter! Authors Maria Marinova and Rhys Anderson highlight hot longevity research papers, upcoming scientific conferences, and job openings. Find May’s Longevity Research Newsletter, here.
The Science of Biostasis and Cryopreservation: A Panel Discussion
Watch a recording of moderator Max Unfried, Kai Micah Mills, and Dr. Emil Kendziorra discussing how cryopreservation fits into the longevity field, examples of cryopreservation in nature, and more!
On Applied Longevity Medicine: A VitaDAO Panel Discussion
In this VitaDAO Panel Discussion, moderator Max Unfried talks with professor Evelyne Bischof, professor Andrea B. Maier, and Weronika Prusisz about the applications of longevity medicine. You don’t want to miss their conversation on biological age testing, confronting the food industry🥗, and optimizing lifestyle over performance.
Vote For a POAP
If you vote, claim your POAP! On the majority of recent Snapshot proposals, one can claim a POAP after voting on Snapshot. POAPs are digital collectibles that help record participation in VitaDAO’s votes. Claiming on Snapshot is free, gasless⛽️, and fun!
Longevity Hackers NFT
As a result of VDP-39, VitaDAO is funding up to 100,000 USD to support a documentary by Filmmaker Michal Siewierski. This documentary will feature the longevity eco-system, and subsequently highlight VitaDAO. Find a link to the NFT representing this partnership, here!
Hot Off the Press: Japanese Explainer
VitaDAO published an explainer on VitaDAO basics for our Japanese audience! We are excited about the opportunity to continue to expand VitaDAO’s reach in Asia. Take a peek at the medium article, here.
Below, find summaries of May’s four passed proposals. More in-depth descriptions can be found on Snapshot! As always, you can follow proposals and add to the conversation before votes are added to Snapshot on the VitaDAO’s Discourse. There are currently multiple proposals being discussed on Discourse, including VDP-46 (Repair Biotechnologies), VDP-44 (Dispute Resolution Process), VDP-45 (Decentralized Tech Transfer), VDP-29 (Exosomes for treating systemic inflammation), VDP-36 (Stewardship Process Amendment #1), VDP-37 (VitaDAO Governance Amendment #2), and VDP-26.1 (Dealflow structure & incentives).
VDP-43 Passed!
VDP-43 initiates a partnership with BanklessDAO. As a result of this proposal, VitaDAO and BanklessDAO will token swap $25,000 worth of $VITA for $25,000 of $BANK taken at the 30-day moving average. VitaDAO is excited about this partnership as it means further treasury diversification and increased DAO awareness! 🤝
VDP-40 Passed!
This proposal allocates $231,000 to Dr. Tim Peterson’s project to develop a cellular soap to simultaneously block both pathogens and senescent cells. It has been appreciated that pathogens age humans by driving cell senescence. This research project offers a promising strategy to thwart pathogens and different aging pathologies.
VDP-42 Passed!
VDP-42 confirms an additional $580,000 arm’s-length loan from VitaDAO to VHF, secured against the underlying equity in companies VHF in turn funds, and a $100,000 donation to VHF to support VHF and VitaDAO’s aligned non-profit initiatives. VitaDAO, through the secured loan agreement for $580,000, will help VHF fund 10 projects within the $50–100K range.
VDP-22 Passed!
VDP-22 provides 50,000 USD of funding to a 4-year doctoral research program at the Institute of Chemical Biology, Imperial College London. The program plans on probing DNA quadruplexes in age-related proteostasis. In exchange for supporting this doctoral program, VitaDAO expects to have access to IP licensing rights (potentially related to therapeutic compounds or biologics) derived from the research program via an IP-NFT via Molecule.
Community Member Highlight: Max Unfried

What is your role at VitaDAO?
I’m part of the Longevity and Awareness WG — and help with project sourcing and evaluation, and science communication by hosting events to educate the crypto community on longevity and aging research.
How did you first get involved in web3?
I’ve been following crypto since 2014 from the side-lines after a friend told me about Ethereum, but got seriously involved in some projects from 2019 onwards.
What was it that attracted you to VitaDAO?
The opportunity to be part of a parallel system to fund and promote rejuvenation research.
What excites you most about VitaDAO’s future?
VitaDAO is still in its early innings — but I am very excited for the first community funded and owned rejuvenation therapeutic that makes it to market.
What is something you believe in now that you didn’t ten years ago?
10 years ago I was under the impression that science and technology were advancing rapidly. Nowadays, I’m under the impression that meaningful science and technology are not advancing fast enough — especially in the world of atoms — as too many resources are spent on projects that won’t make much impact even if successful.
Any closing thoughts for readers?
Do not take life too seriously, laugh a lot, and do your part to create a better tomorrow.
VitaDAO Discover Monthly
VitaDAO was featured in multiple audio formats throughout May:
- Laurence Ion and Todd White joined @DogelonWarriors on Twitter for a Twitter Live. Missed the Twitter live? Listen to a recording.
- Tyler Golato and Laurence Ion joined the Translating Aging Podcast. Listen to their conversation on the essence of VitaDAO, project funding, and the intersection of biotech, blockchain, and longevity.
- Laurence Ion and Theo Beutel joined the Campfire podcast, hosted by Jackson Steger. In this episode on Democratizing Longevity Research, they discuss IP within a DAO, VitaDAO’s current projects, and more.
What’s Going DAOn
June 2nd at 6 PM CET- Join a VitaDAO Dealflow Onboarding presentation by clicking, here.
Aug 29th-Sept 2nd- Join the ARDD 9th Aging Research and Drug Discovery Meeting. VitaDAO is one of the many sponsors of this event, happening in Copenhagen, Denmark.

DAOn’t Forget…
VitaDAO still has several open roles! These roles are best fit for individuals who are interested in longevity, well organized, and passionate about open source communities. Positions available include Longevity Dealflow Manager, Longevity Dealflow Principal, and Longevity Venture Associate.
Between co-organizing DeSci Berlin, releasing a new Monthly Longevity Research Newsletter, and four passed proposals, VitaDAO had a busy May. In the upcoming month, be on the lookout for new governance proposals, more panel discussions, and Evandro Fang’s project IP-NFT transfer ceremony.
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